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Do You Hear Jimi?


The ruffle shirts

The flare and flamboyance

The Fender Strat

And the burning fire

But still, I ask you, Do you hear Jimi?


The wild antics

The overwhelming presence

This Tall blues man with big hair

Is sinking the crowd into an essence of Peace,  Freedom,

Liberation and Love -

But I still ask you, do you hear Jimi?


I hear his guitar crying in the wilderness.

And I hear his voice softly speaking to the world.


Behind his appearance is the person

Unravelled from a distance behind the curtain.


Before you accuse me

Before you complain

Do you hear him or are your ears in vain?


©David B John











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Paint a Picture


Paint a picture of success -

Colour in the shades

All the outlines are clear -

To cover up the greys


It shows a dream reality.

From eyes of man’s desire

We prosper by our attitudes.

But sink through what we aspire.


The picture shows insight

But everything around is exterior.

At glance it seems fruitful

But if you look closer you find the scratches

The rough patches

That gives success its true blunt quandary.

Like at net as it forever catches the blood stains of humanity.


©David B John

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Into the clouds

There is an open door that waits outside oblivion.
There is a realm that is obscure and yet so real.
Here the piper plays without the minions -
Oh how I long to elevate into the clouds!

Into the clouds there is natural

elimental exposure -
without the distaste of the influence of crowds

The mysteries have been woven -
the appeal is outspoken -
Oh how I long to elevate into the clouds!

The whispers of angels that sit there and sing,
the strings of the harps plucked with such ring,
The glorious robes like birds on the wing -
Oh how I long to elevate into the clouds!

With the pain of the earth,
the hatred of race -
examine each step that thy heart may embrace -
the longing for change: looking up not looking down
Oh how I long to elevate into the clouds!



©David B John











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